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Dressing for an Interview When You Aren’t Familiar with the Work Culture
After all the work you have put in to create the resume, cover letter and application content to...
The ‘Identity Transparency’ Conundrum
As I was applying for summer internships this past spring, I had a lot of difficulty determining what...
14 entry-level criminal justice degree jobs
Are you considering going into criminal justice for college? Getting a degree in this field can open up...
Kamala Harris, the Huntress: Focused, Fearless and Fully in Her Power
In Wendy Weiner’s 2005 play, Hillary: A Modern Greek Tragedy with a (Somewhat) Happy Ending, Hillary Clinton is seen...
Following Up After Your Interview
You have just completed your interview and you’re feeling relieved and accomplished. While you must be looking forward...
3 Economic Principles You Can Apply to Your Life
Time to rewind back to Economics 101. The beautiful topic of Economics is based on the principal of...